Marketing i's [マーケティングアイズ]



しがらみを捨てると世界の変化が見える と副題にある。















マーケティング コンサルタント
理央 周

マーケティング アイズ

I tried to read "success stories do not need" the.
The visible changes in the world and throw away the fetters

Author because such person who came to produce results in the industry fast speed Sony, called Google,
I have emphasized that the speed of decision-making will lead to results.

Myself, and felt when it was working in the Amazon through the Jupiter Telecom from the manufacturer of consumer goods was an overwhelming sense of speed.

So called "Dog Year" likened to a dog to live at a rate of seven times the people, at a speed that was right this morning is like must be corrected in the afternoon, and build brand it up over time I was not caught in the idea that was what was initially quite puzzled.

The author takes the example of Steve Jobs to the question of how, what if I want to make an accurate decision to have speed,
"By taking away the lees of mind, and discard the successful experience of the past" Regardless float only essence,
I argue with.

In the street, it's also true in marketing activities, but some like the mountain and "that I want to do," but there is no reason that you can all of course indeed. Speaking further, management resources of their own will end up distributed when it is going to do all, each becomes thinner as a result to not be centralized. Therefore, it put a "subordination" as Drucker says, that it develop a strategy that's something that that is discarded.

And did you sympathize Another point that they "should be considered a priori".
I think this is depending on the type of work, but it is planned firmly should be what by when the goal first set, in order to achieve the goal, it should be each time check.

The top floor of the staircase is not visible until the time even after when she does go to the goal while climbing one step by one step staircase.
To climb to the top floor the stairs again, it should be considered in what stage or get to forever.

To do so, I ought to the idea of ​​eternal beta version of the "going to well while running" as there is also in the sentence.

If you're doing slowly as trying 100 points months "3, it is also caught up in the conflict market also changes immediately.
Soon, first it's the world in 60 points now, and it should overlay improvement "
Become to mean.

You can not win the competition if you do not such a modern thing different from the values ​​of a decade ago.
Market he is changing so quickly.

And it is the same thing as any work, even from the industry.
Be able to work to have speed with many instances leads to outcomes are written in this book.
I think in that sense, it's a book of recommended for the business person.