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2.次は店の雰囲気。妻も感じた通り広々としたアーリーアメリカン調の店内に、ディスプレイもいい味を醸し出している。外観からインテリア、小物までがヒッコリーのイメージを演出している。写真 2014-08-09 13 21 19.jpg




マーケティング コンサルタント
理央 周

マーケティング アイズ

I tried to go shop Wagyu hamburger that I thought it was and want to go from the previous "Hickory".
Yesterday, that of the 11 sets of waiting whopping Once inside the store at 12 o'clock lunch time on Saturday sometimes that her son has been homecoming from Tokyo. In rain and wind is strong typhoon is coming, it feels like amazed this popularity.

To display or there is this feeling of the store first, feel the atmosphere of Early American. My wife was saying, "I like Steak House, which has been performed well when I lived in the United States." Most families, some group of mom friends that took the infant in it and try to watch around.

Menu goes, it is in addition to the usual hamburger, there are various variations cheese, garlic, and wholesale. Price range until about 1000 yen to 1700 yen. My stamina hamburger sometimes spicy chili hamburger bar 1 a clerk recommended, son of the prime eating a four-year university. This hamburger, I ordered bread and rice, soup, etc. salad. It is a condition many variations here, and rice and salad on the salad set, drink and bread or rice and are attached at about 4-500 yen each to drink set. Go family of four today, much each asked a set of disjointed, Barieshon 's rich.

The reason for this shop catch on,
1. First thing delicious. I think any hamburger also the same but it's delicious, including the topping. It becomes in that it does not come to the store that delicious when viewed from the customer that the norm, and not delicious.
2. Following atmosphere of the shop. The store of Early American tone spacious as wife also felt, display also exudes good taste. Interior, to accessories is to produce a image of Hickory from appearance.
3. "It is a clear target" to be at the end. As it is written at the top of the home page, it is "the most important person for your friends, your family, and husband and wife," and I want you to eat. I can easily imagine When customers do you may if you come to eat this delicious hamburger with anyone at all times by this.

Is input in the head of customer that you have these combine, circulation in which you might want to come again next is born. . If someone is allowed to wish so much is a condition that said trying to Koyo to eat next and also Na's cheese "Supaishichiri because was delicious, the feeling that you will want to come and also if you send announcements take the customer list will increase.

It was possible to understand it is the side-by-side still Hickory that has been featured in the media such as television, popular.

Index Rights 株式会社インデックスライツのビジネスモデルとイノベーションが日本の製造業に指針を示す

Index Rights: Global Manufacturing Magazine」をいただいた。

インデックスライツ創刊号Index Rightsとは                 



Index Rightsがなぜ雑誌なのか?         


Index Rights 第2号そもそもこの雑誌を作成している株式会社インデックスライツは、製造業数社が集まり組織された企業。モノづくり大国の日本を支える経営者たちの集団なのだ。 拠点を名古屋、福井、フランクフルト、シリコンバレー、シンガポールにおき、この雑誌を媒体として自社を含めた日本の製造業を世界に向けて発信していくと のこと。

もちろんこの株式会社インデックスライツさんはWebサイトも運用しているが、このように「雑誌」という紙の媒体を創られている 点が素晴らしい発想だと言える。雑誌という媒体は、「電波、電源、機械」画なくても読むことができるし、さらにこのような質の高い情報を正確にじっくりと 伝えるのに最適な媒体である。


製造業  B to B のマーケティングとビジネスモデルの創り方       

この雑誌は世界の企業に配布され、「うちの会社に応用できるな」と感じた企業はIndex Rightsまたは掲載企業にコンタクトをしてビジネスが始まるという流れになる。このような一連の流れを持つ仕組み=ビジネスモデルは非常にユニークで効果的である。

インデックスライツ第2号表紙部品メーカーなどの製造業においては、自社の技術を活かしてもらうために詳細まで理解してもらう必要がある。したがって、動画や雑誌広告を一目見たからと いってすぐにレスポンスが来るとは限らない。このIndexRIghtsには、掲載企業の特質や製品の内容画事細かに掲載されているため、自社の製品の生 産技術に関して応用できそうであればコンタクトをしたくなる。さらには、サンプルまで入手できる仕組みにもなっている。


拙 著「ひつまぶしとスマホは、同じ原理でできている」でも書いたように、既存の価値観や固定観念に固執すると新しく画期的な発想が出てこない。たとえば、 「うちの会社は車の部品を作ってきたんだから、航空機産業になんか進出できない」という発想になってしまう。これではひろがりができないのである。


日本を指させる製造業の一つの在り方を指し示す、素晴らしい媒体であり、かつビジネスモデルだと言える。*インデックスライツのサイトは⇒ こちら

マーケティング コンサルタント
理央 周

マーケティング アイズ

I got the: "Global Manufacturing Magazine Index Rights".

This magazine is written entirely in English,
"Managers around the world are always looking for a good supplier in order to enhance the value of their products, willing to supply parts and excellent processing technology of its own"
Things and be delivered to.

When I read, and are described technology of manufacturing industry in Japan is interviewed in a fair amount of detail.
For he has drawn what technology of manufacturing the highest level, or can be provided to customers in the technology of its own and to be fine at the cutting edge Japan boasts.

Thing to photos and content, and structure of the article is a quality such as the top fashion magazines like is also a feature of this magazine.

Originally Rights Index Corporation has created this magazine, companies organized several companies manufacturing industry gather. It's a group of managers who support Japan's manufacturing powerhouse.
It was placed Nagoya, Fukui, Frankfurt, Silicon Valley and Singapore offices, and with the will to disseminate to the world in the manufacturing industry of Japan, including its own as a medium of this magazine.

This Index Corporation's Rights is also hosting a Web site, but of course, it can be said to be a point where the idea is made the medium of paper called "magazine" in this way is great. It is possible to read even without "radio waves, power, mechanical" picture, and the medium of magazines, is the best medium to convey carefully exactly high-quality information such as this further.

Putting out a synergistic effect features in combination have become essential for the media.
The combination of the Web and this magazine is also great in that sense.

Companies that this magazine is distributed to companies in the world, felt the "Do not be applicable to the company of" inside will flow business that begins to contact the above companies or Index Rights. Mechanism = business model that has a flow like this is effective in very unique.

In the manufacturing industry, such as parts manufacturers, there is a need to get to understand to detail in order to get leverage their technology. Therefore, it is not always the response is to come soon because you are at first glance the magazine and advertising videos. This IndexRIghts, because it has been posted on the contents of the image-blown product and the nature of the above companies, you'll want to contact, if likely to be applied for the production technology of their products. Furthermore, it is also a mechanism available to sample.

It is said that the manufacturing industry in Japan is proud to have come in transition from many years ago.
In which consulted many, I also there in my opinion of course, but companies that are too narrowly defined their business in many cases.

As written, "smartphone and Hitsumabushi is made of the same principle" even my book, a new and innovative idea does not come out when you stick to stereotypes and existing values​​. For example, it becomes the idea "of a company of which You've actually made ​​a part of the car, can not advance softening in the aircraft industry" and. Spread is not possible in this.

I think business development to other industry is not easy enough to say in the mouth, but should be flexible psychologically at least. Point also read the spirit of the up and coming idea of this magazine.

It can be said that point the way of one of the manufacturing industry to point to Japan, it's business model and is a great medium.















マーケティング コンサルタント
理央 周

マーケティング アイズ
「売れる仕組み研究所 電子版~ ポジショニング戦略

電子マガジン ポジショニング

I've read "Japan is shifted so" the.
With the title, "somehow" It was interesting

The author, Mr. Furuichi KenHisashi sociologist of 29-year-old.
It was not that you have seen me, but I can and have also appeared on television.

It is the "adult is out of this country" at the heading.
I (we) are also out adult as the days of 20's if Recall,
I had always felt if you do not understand.

Even in high-growth period, even within a generation of three non-principle like me who, it seems does not change even within a generation of the sons of my Toshi-dai of 20 now.

I do not need a leader, and no one knows Nantes Cool Japan, feeling minus one step of this generation-specific,
It can not quite understand to me who has lived as a 20's 80's of "cheetah",
In high school reunion, etc., become the talk of the town with the girls always our classmate.

Speaking of whether, or try to proposed "country of manufacturing it? Whether done," said
You are the indications that Iietemyou to be, win "plausibility than correctness" by telling the risk management.

Author says that's good, but I could not I think of things in perspective, cut like this by the time of the 20's. The nice thing with the features of this generation, as compared to me who, and that the availability of information is very easy. At the same time, you feel that you do something that's not good information, but there are too many of selection therefore becomes difficult, it may become biased point of view.

But there is no sense of unity to each each chapter this book, because it does not appear to be newly written,
Cuts are cut out, respectively, as the interesting interesting.
I feel the depth of it is not just a young man, of 20 years old tantalum.

Rather than when my 50-something read this book, to be read as a representative of the voice of the 20's,
To know as an example that is Some kind of young people in the 20's, and that, to think and act in things such perspective, the width of his own thoughts also spread.

If after '20, the author is no longer a young man.
Tone at that time's a very fun.














マーケティング コンサルタント
理央 周

☆ 新規事業・ビジネスモデル開発を目指す経営者の方はこちらから → マーケティング アイズホームページ  

☆ 無料でのダウンロードはこちらから

⇒ 「売れる仕組み研究所 電子版 顧客視点のブランド・マネジメント
According to an article in the Nikkei MJ, pampas grass arena in Tama shop Suzuki car ,
Thing that there is a day-care center .

" The peace of mind wherever you are parent to be in the middle of the store ," says store manager
It was with that .

and without a break - from discount <b> <font style="border: thin solid blue;"> price competition combing reason </ font> </ b> <br />

Basically , the car almost the same where you can buy ,
Price competition and nature , tend to be price war when it comes to .

Automaker has also been marketing a variety of promotional and advertising techniques ,
In general , sales tended to be influenced by the skill in gross here salesman .

Dealers also the same thing as electronics retail stores and restaurants ,
"Why go to the store " is in the clear , it is necessary to compete in the discount is eliminated .

In this arena Tama shop , interior using pastel colors and pink in addition to child care ,
Disposable diapers and誦ny sealed chamber ,
It is eaten with the famous sweets and sweets .

" Because it is the same wherever you buy Nantes car , better and cheaper at ¥ 1 is good "
Rather than the customer that ,
"I want to buy in a store where there are kind people that "
Customer that is to come .

Tips to become a <b> <font style="border: thin solid blue;"> customer point of view , your eye line </ font> </ b> <br />

Thing with some of the special mission team " Joshi breaks ( paddle Women) " is that of the perch .
Women know best thing for women .

In some female perspective , the customer perspective in the " local spot "
Be viewed as a simulated experience of customers the fastest way .

Suzuki is likely to say that it is customer-oriented company in the cited entire company in that sense .

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